The Future Perfect Tense in English

  1. Conjugation
  2. Usage

The future perfect tense is used to desctibe actions that will be completed by a certain time in the future.

Signal words for the future perfect tense include by Friday, in a week, by then, etc.



She will have finished this novel by morning.

Here, the future perfect tense is used to express an action that will be completed by a cartain future time (by morning).


Rule 1: To form the future perfect tense, we use the same structure will + have + past participle of the main verb for all persons.

Here is an overview of how to conjugate the future perfect tense in positive, negative and interrogative sentences:

I / you / we / they; he / she / it I will have played. They will not have played. Will she have played?

Note: In spoken and informal English, we can also use contractions in the future perfect tense - a short combination of the auxiliary verb will and particle not.

Here's an overview of contractions for the future perfect tense:

Long FormContractionExample
will 'll they'll
will not 'll not / won't they'll not / they won't


Rule 2: We use the future perfect tense to desctribe actions that will be finished by certain time in the future (usually with an expression of time).



I will have turned in my essay by Wednesday.

The future perfect is used to desctibe an action (turn in the essay) that will be finished by a certain future time (by Wednesday).

Rule 3: We use the future perfect tense to express assumptions about something that has probably happened.



He will probably have met Mary at the party.

Here, the future perfect tense is used to express an assumption about something that has probably happened.



Complete the sentence. She will ___ washed dished by now.


correct answers.