Indefinite Pronouns

  1. Aucun, Aucune
  2. Autre, Autres
  3. Personne
  4. Quelque chose, Quelqu’un
  5. Rien
  6. Chacun, Chacune
  7. Quelques-uns, Quelques-unes
  8. Tout
  9. Indefinite Pronouns with Adjectives

Rule 1: Unlike indefinite determiners, French indefinite pronouns (les pronoms indéfinis) do not accompany a noun; they stand in their own place.

However, just like indefinite determiners, some of them can be variable and agree in number and gender with the thing or person they are referring to (for example, chacun or quelqu’un). The others, such as personne, rien, or quelque chose, are invariable.



Je dois faire quelque chose avant qu'on parte.

I have to do something before we leave.

Aucun, Aucune

Rule 2: Aucun and aucune are indefinite pronouns that can only be used in the singular. They are accompanied by the negative particle ne and mean "none."



Aucun n’a la réponse à ma question.

None (of them) have the answer to my question.

Rule 3: Aucun and aucune are often followed by de to indicate the group in question.



Il n'aime aucune de ces activités.

He likes none of these activities.

Autre, Autres

Rule 4: Autre can refer to either a person or a thing. It can be used in either plural or singular form, and means "the other" or "the others."



L’autre est mieux.

The other is better.

Les autres préfèrent votre idée.

The others prefer your idea.


Rule 5: The indefinite pronoun personne replaces a noun and is used as a subject or an object in a sentence. It’s invariable. Personne is used in negative sentences in combination with the negative particle ne. It has the meaning "nobody/no one" or "anybody/anyone".



Personne n’est venu.

Nobody came.

Elle ne veut voir personne.

She doesn’t want to see anybody.

Quelque chose, Quelqu’un

Rule 6: Quelqu’un and quelque chose are used as subject and object in affirmative sentences. They are invariable whether male or female.

- quelque chose stands for an unknown thing and is translated as "something" or "anything."



Nous devons faire quelque chose!

We have to do something!

- quelqu’un stands for an unknown person and is translated as "someone", "somebody", "anybody," or "anyone."



Il y a quelqu’un à la porte.

There’s someone at the door.

Quelqu’un a vu mon parapluie?

Has anybody seen my umbrella?


Rule 7: The indefinite pronoun rien replaces a noun and is used as a subject or an object in a sentence. Rien is used in negative sentences in combination with the negative particle ne. It’s translated as "nothing" or "anything."



Je n’entends rien du tout.

I can't hear anything at all.

Rien n’a changé.

Nothing’s changed.

Chacun, Chacune

Rule 8: Chacun replaces masculine nouns and chacune replaces feminine nouns. They are translated as "each" or "everyone."



Chacun fait ce qu'il veut.

Everyone does what they like.

Rule 9: Chacun and chacune are often followed by de to emphasize that all in a group are included.



J'aime chacune de mes filles.

I love each of my daughters.

Quelques-uns, Quelques-unes

Rule 10: Quelques-uns/quelques-unes (a few, some) stands for quelques and a noun. It’s used to talk about people or things. It’s always used in the plural and has to agree in gender to the nouns it replaces.



Quelques sportifs se dopent - quelques-uns se dopent.

A few athletes take drugs - a few take drugs.

Note that the -s at the end of quelques is pronounced before the following uns or unes.


Rule 11: Tout as a pronoun designates a totality of things or facts. It is invariable and means "everything."



Tout s’est bien passé.

Everything went well.

J'ai tout raconté.

I told everything.

To learn more about the word tout that is very used in French, visit this grammar point.

Indefinite Pronouns with Adjectives

Rule 12: You can use the indefinite pronouns quelque chose, rien, quelqu’un, personne with adjectives. For that, you need to add de between the pronoun and the adjective.



Rien d'interresant.

Nothing interesting.

Quelque chose de nouveau.

Something new.



Translate: None of us likes this idea.


correct answers.