The Past Perfect (Plus-Que-Parfait)

  1. The Past Perfect Tense: the Basics
  2. Forming the Past Perfect
  3. Important Things to Remember When Forming the Past Perfect in French

The Past Perfect Tense: the Basics

Rule 1: The past perfect tense (plus-que-parfait) expresses events and situations in the past that are not ongoing and have happened before another event or situation that is already in the past.



Je voulais faire les courses mais le magasin était déjà fermé.

I wanted to go grocery shopping, but the store was already closed.

Rule 2: No matter what past tense the other part of the sentence is used in, the past perfect always expresses something further in the past.

Forming the Past Perfect

Rule 3: The past perfect tense is formed using the imparfait form of the auxiliary verb avoir or être and the past participle of the conjugated verb. Here's an example with the verb finir (to end, finish):

j' avais fini
tu avais fini
il, elle, on avait fini
nous avions fini
vous aviez fini
ils, elles avaient fini

Important Things to Remember When Forming the Past Perfect in French

There are several things you need to look out for when forming le plus-que-parfait:

Être or Avoir?

Rule 4: To choose the correct auxiliary verb when forming the past perfect, use the same rules as you would do for the .

Past Participle

Rule 5: Remember that for different verbs, different rules of creating the past participle would apply. Check them .

Agreement of the Past Participle

Rule 6: Remember that the past participle can agree or not agree with the subject of the sentence. To learn more about this rule, read .



Je suis allé chez elle mais elle _ déjà _.


correct answers.