Regular Verbs in the Present Tense: Conjugations -ar, -er and -ir
In the Spanish language, there are three different groups of regular verbs. They are distinguished by their endings.
Rule 1: The first group is made up of verbs ending in -ar in the infinitive.
Juan quiere hablar alemán.
Juan wants to speak German.
Conjugation of the -ar group:
To conjugate the regular verbs on -ar in the present tense, we replace the -ar with the endings -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an for the respective person.
Hablar |
yo hablo |
tú hablas |
él / ella habla |
nosotros / nosotras hablamos |
vosotros / vosotras habláis |
ellos / ellas hablan |
Verbs ending in -er:
Rule 2: The second group of regular verbs in Spanish ends in -er. The following example shows a verb of the er-conjugation in the infinitive.
Juan quiere comer una manzana.
Juan wants to eat an apple.
Conjugation of the -er group:
We replace the -er ending of the infinitive with the personified endings -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en to conjugate the verb. Here's an example with the verb "comer."
Comer |
yo como |
tú comes |
él / ella come |
nosotos / nosotras comemos |
vosotros / vosotras coméis |
ellos / ellas comen |
Verbs ending in -ir:
Rule 3: The last group of regular verbs is known as ir-conjugation and consists of the verbs ending in -ir in the infinitive.
Juan decidió vivir en Alemania.
Juan decided to live in Germany.
Conjugation of the -ir group:
To conjugate the regular verbs ending on -ir in the present tens, we replace the -ir with the endings -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en for the respective persons. It is noticeable that the endings resemble those of the er-conjugation. The difference is in the 1st - and 2nd - person plural.
Vivir |
yo vivo |
tú vives |
él / ella vive |
nosotros / nosotras vivimos |
vosotros / vosotras vivís |
ellos / ellas viven |
Rule 4: The verbs of these three conjugations are always stressed on the penultimate syllable, unless an accent (tilde) sets the stress. This is the case with the second person plural (vosotros habláis, coméis, vivís), where the stress is on the "ai," "ei," or "i."
Second Person Plural |
vosotros / vosotras habláis |
vosotros / vosotras coméis |
vosotros / vosotras vivís |
Choose the right conjugation of the verb "comer":
correct answers.