Irregular Gerund Forms

  1. Gerund Usage: General Rules
  2. Forming the Gerund
  3. Irregular Verbs in the Gerund

Gerund is an impersonal form of the verb, just like the infinitive or the participle. Some verbs change their spelling in the gerund form. Let's review them:



Ana y José están yendo al cine.

Ana and José are going to the movies.

Gerund Usage: General Rules

Rule 1. The gerund is used in the construction: estar + gerund. It helps express an ongoing action or an action that is being performed at the moment of speaking.



Mi papá está leyendo un libro.

My dad is reading a book.

Rule 2. In English, the gerund is used as a noun. In Spanish, however, we would use the infinitive form in its place:



El tomar agua es bueno para la salud.

Drinking water is good for your health.

Forming the Gerund

Rule 3. To create the gerund, you need to take the verb stem and add the necessary ending: -ando to verbs that end in -ar and -iendo to verbs that end in -er or -ir:

Infinitive Verb FormGerund endingVerb in Gerund Form
hablar -ando hablando
comer -iendo comiendo
vivir -iendo viviendo



Estamos teniendo el mejor día.

We are having the best day.

Irregular Verbs in the Gerund

Rule 4. Some verbs are irregular: they have -y added to their gerund form. These verbs are:

Infinitive FormGerund FormTranslation
ir yendo going
caer cayendo falling
creer creyendo believing
oír oyendo hearing
traer trayendo bringing

Rule 5. Verbs that change their stem in the present and preterite tense also change in their gerund form.

Infinitive FormGerund FormTranslation
decir diciendo saying
dormir durmiendo sleeping
morir muriendo dying
pedir pidiendo requesting
poder pudiendo going to
reír riendo laughing
seguir siguiendo following
sentir sintiendo feeling
venir viniendo coming
vestir vistiendo visiting



Mi gatito siempre está durmiendo.

My kitty is always sleeping.



Estamos _________ (comer) en este momento.


correct answers.